Sunday, January 3, 2016

The Wait

The Wait 8x16 Oil on Panel

A new addition to the studio.  One of my goals for the year is to get back to doing more figurative work.  This image is painted with a limited pallet of Prussian blue, Burnt Sienna, Cadmium Scarlet red, Titanium White and Ivory Black.  There is a touch of Thalo blue in the scales to add interest.  

The idea behind this image is love.  Who would be able to imprint a map on the back of a mermaid, and why would she stand guard to protect something that is not hers?  She's waiting for his return.  Are mermaids immortal?  I don't think Pirates are.  This could be a long wait.  

Take a look at her back.  Can you find her with in the map?  Below is a close up.

Happy Adventures!


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