Sunday, January 10, 2016

Day 10 Prayers for Sunday

Prayers for the Lake Fire  6x6 Oil on Panel

This painting marks the 1/3 way toward my 30 paintings in 30 days challenge.  This would be the point in the tunnel where the light at the beginning is fading and it is getting really dark.  You start to feel a little worried or anxious because you cannot see the light at the end.  This is the point you need a little prayer to keep you going.

We had a huge fire here in my area of the woods last year.  It burned thousands of acres.  It was called the Lake Fire.  Beyond the actual fire fighting, there are other things that go wrong and must be dealt with and, with limited resources, sometime the call is answered by others.  Case in point, San Gorgonio Search and Rescue Team was called in to help clear up the main drinking water supply to a bunch of camps located just beyond the limits of the fire.  The source of water was up in the fire though.  We hiked in, did our thing and went home.  We didn't make the papers or the evening news but what we did was important to the community.  What we saw made most of us cry.  Our wonderful wilderness that we all love was burned to the ground.  It is a day I will remember for a long time.

Completed (painting) January 10th.

Artist and 13 year member of the San Gorgonio Search and Rescue Team


barra ♥ said...

Great painting Larry! Thank your for your years of service on the San Gorgonio Search and Rescue Team. What a blessing to have your talents displayed showing your service to the County through your ongoing commitment to save lives through search and rescue.

You are a inspiration and leader to many.

Paul Franklin
Yucaipa Sheriff Station, SAR Coordinator

Anonymous said...

Beautiful piece all around Larry.