Thursday, January 7, 2016

Day 7, The Trumpet.

The Trumpet  6x6 Oil on Panel

This image is a study of a larger image I am thinking about creating.  I'm thinking 24x36 in size.  I like the concept but now that I have added color I am back on the fence with it.  For this study I used Thalo blue.  I really don't like Thalo blue but thought I would give it a try.  It just makes the blue too blue and the grass too green.

So what do y'all think?  Should I make this into a larger painting?  Do you like the bright greens and blues?

Completed January 7th.


1 comment:

Brenda Stichter, artist said...

I was drawn to your blog by your day 9 challenge painting, but I have enjoyed looking down through your work! I agree with you that these colors seem too 'light weight' for this painting. I hope you enjoy the rest of your challenge. :)