Sunday, January 17, 2016

Day 16, It's Never too Late

Never Too Late  6x6 Oil on Panel

Its never too late to do the things you want.  Never too late to take a hike, paint a picture, have a family, fall in love or to get saved.  It's never too late to post a painting either!  Yes, this was painted yesterday, but I was too lazy to post it.  Sorry.

This painting was fun to do.  For starters I used a base color of a brownish red oil paint.  Burnt Sienna to be exact.  Now, Burnt Sienna is a slow drying paint, in the world of oil colors.  I painted the base color last weekend.  When I picked up the panel to start painting all seemed well but when I started applying paint the base color started mixing with the colors I was applying.  This is both good and bad.
Good - because it harmonizes the colors by adding that touch of red in everything.
Bad - because I was fighting with the same color changes.  Made me think more and guess more.

The second fun thing about this painting is I picked up a pallet knife and used it for maybe half of the painting.  You van really see it in the foreground.  I generally only use a pallet knife in my abstracts so it was fun to bring in and try a new tool.  Probably like a concert violinist playing a fiddle.

Completed (painting) January 16.


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