Saturday, January 7, 2017

Trials, tribulations and the dark mountain.

Dark Mountain 5x7 Oil on Paper $90
Welcome to the Dark Mountain on this 7th day of January.... When I saw this scene I was visiting my son, who's name is Seven by the way, and I remember thinking - what made this mountain so dark?  It not only looked dark but it felt dark too.  I was reliving this all as I was painting it.  After I had painted it but before I had written this blog entry I heard an interesting story.

Kind of off track but what the hey.  Not sure who said what so I can't do quotes but the story kind of went as this----

There was a lady who was in despair.  She sits next to a preacher on a plane and they begin to talk during their flight. Their talking eventually leads them to tell each other the sad, wrong, trying things that have happened to each other in their lives.  Both stories are crazy tragic.  The preacher was happy but the lady was so sad.  In the end, the lady asks the preacher- What makes bad things happen to good people?  

I think we have all felt this way before or at least known someone who felt like this, right?

Here is the preachers response - No body is perfect, we are all in fact sinners.  So what you must ask is -why do good things happen to bad people?

Oooohhhhhh.  Kind of makes you think, huh?  Yes, I am far from perfect.  I know it can be hard but don't dwell on the bad stuff, seek the good in all.

This story kind of moved me a bit.  It was also much more detailed when I heard it but I am a slow typer so I need to share the brief version.

So now back to the art...       This painting is about a scene I saw near Prescott Arizona.  I was drawn to the dark mountain and the few trees that grew there.  I wondered if they felt lonely and this thought made me sad.  But then, I saw the sun rising behind it and my sadness lifted.  I asked earlier what made this mountain so dark?   Wrong question.  I should've asked - What made everything else so bright?

Seek the light my friends.


1 comment:

Sheila said...

Good Story, and I love the warm hill :)