Friday, March 3, 2017

An abstracted way of looking at things.

Fault Line 2017 oil on paper Larry Reinhart
Artist do many things to play in the art world, like going to a cafe to sketch people.  When I play, I make abstract art.

For me, abstract art started out as just playing with colors.  This is what I liked the most, it was just me and the paint colors.  There's no reference material, no sketches, no preconceived ideas.  Things have changed now because I don't go so blindly into the abstracts as before. I still love them, I just go about them kind of differently.  When I first starting doing these I saw things happen on the surfaced that brought up ideas, so I experimented.  An experiment is a per-conceived idea so I guess I can say I am not so free anymore.  I have a goal or a purpose but it's still kind of random and I am still experimenting.  It's hard to explain, but do you kind of know what I'm say'in?

Anyways, I am at a point now that I want to share these abstracts publicly.  I want to see where these can take me.  See what the future holds.  Let me know what you think.  I need the feedback!  I'll be posting different abstracts for the next couple of months or more.  - Don't worry, I'll post other things too.

The one above it titled Fault Line, it is only 5x7 inches.  I loved the way the white shows through creating a sense of two different land masses.  The colors are my favorites too.  I love earth tones with a plash of color thrown in, like the red.  This painting has three layers of paint on it.  The middle layer gets most of the work.  I don't think I have ever completed an abstract in a single sitting.  I don't think abstracts should be about randomly throwing colors down and calling it art.  An abstract is a work of art and should be cared for and caressed like any other painting you produce.  Put a little love into it and it will show.

Don't forget to let me know what you think about abstract art, my painting or what ever!



1 comment:

Sheila said...

Love the marks, the places where color mixes are happening. The variation of colors in the bottom band really catch my eye. :)