Thursday, March 16, 2017


This started out as an abstract but morphed into this.  As I worked my thoughts were to have scrapped concrete on the lower portion for a rough textural surface.  I would then fill in the upper portion with a leveling compound and finish it off with a shiny enamel paint.  After all dried and cured I would scratch the 7 back into it to resemble graffiti or something.

This image is just oil paint on paper and at 5x7 is quite small.  The one I was dreaming about would have been in the 24 x 36 inch realm.  Unfortunately, after completing this little study, I can see now the bigger version just wouldn't work out right.  The contrasting surface treatments would be good but I do not feel the overall image is enough to sustain it's life.  It is simply too simple.  At a larger size the white enamel would give you nothing to look at and ponder over.  Unless I had more images and words scratched into it at a smaller scale - Hmmmmm?

This is a complete break away from anything I have done in the past.  It's good to experiment and try new things but also good to know when to stop. 


1 comment:

Sheila said...

Wonderful textures, and the bottom mimics a shine nicely :)