Tuesday, January 3, 2017

January 3rd

Basking in the Sun 2      5x7  oil on Paper  $90
3rd painting for the year!!

Painting small has some advantages.  One of the advantages is there is so much less surface area to cover on these little guys so it takes a lot less time to complete one.  Knowing this helps me be more willing to paint an image over again (also makes it easier to toss the ones I don't like).  This is what I have done here, again, remember January 1st's painting was a redo too.  For this second go around I wanted to play with color and it's application.  I didn't quite get what I wanted so I might even do it third time.  We'll see.

If we don't try things and practice  new things then we will never learn new things, right?

Which version do you like best?

Happy Tuesday - Larry

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Love the lights and darks, the rust really catches my eye :)